Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Balancing Responsibilities

Balancing ResponsibilityAll people in their life try to reach the success. Many things come in brainstorm to let us know our way. Therefore we try to manage many things in the same time, but we find conflicts. Many studies show the difficulty to manage many different things at same time. In addition, the impossibility to do everything or to be everywhere in same time is physically obvious. “Decide what is important, talk with others, share the load, and be flexible to help balance your life!” *Here I will discuss these four points. Couple of experienced people make different list to balance our responsibilities. In the responWhen you assign some of your work to others, you can improve your load while others can learn new things in the same time. Don’t be shy and don’t feel guilty to ask for help because one person can not do it all. So when you ask others for what you need, try to support them, accept their way in doing things, try to be positive, and let others succeed.

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