Tuesday, February 19, 2008

balancing responsibility...

Balancing responsibility and fun

Life is about balance. I could ramble on about it but I’m sure you reading ths know what i mean. I try to balance things and i do pretty well considering i have alot going on. sometimes I think I could get more doneif i just focused on responsibility more and just forgot about partying/fun but that is a dull life. I just like to have fun. I want ot have a secure life but whats life without fun. Like last night was fun. i went out with three ladies i know and we drank and danced the night away. I hit the sack about four am. It was a really good time yet i find myself thinking it goes against the principles of bodybuilding. Now its not like my body will go to shit from one night partying but i just think about. having it on my mind helps keep me balanced. Just cant stress it to much and again that goes back to balance. Well that was just on my mind. thought i would share it.

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